Παρασκευή, 3 Μαΐου, 2024

Επιθέσεις αυτοκτονίας συγκλόνισαν τη Καμπούλ

29 νεκροί και τουλάχιστον 142 τραυματίες, σύμφωνα με αξιωματούχους.

epa05437823 People helps an injured victim after a suicide bomb attack that targeted a demonstration of Hazara minority in Kabul, Afghanistan, 23 July 2016. According to reports at least 20 people were killed and more than 150 injured when a bomb exploded as thousands of people from Hazara minority were protesting the proposed route of the Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan (TUTAP) power line, calling on the government to re-route the line through Bamiyan province which has a majority of Hazara population. The government says the proposed route saves millions of dollars in cost.  EPA/HEDAYATULLAH AMID ATTENTION EDITORS: PICTURE CONTAINS GRAPHIC CONTENT

Οι τραυματίες μεταφέρθηκαν με ασθενοφόρα στα γειτονικά νοσοκομεία, ενώ ο αριθμός των νεκρών αναμένεται ότι θ” αυξηθεί.
